martes, 1 de noviembre de 2016

A prisioner of an...essay

''The Prison''
The story ''The Prison'' written by Bernard Malawood, was a story that talked about the life of Tommy Castelli, a man that when he was young he almost went to jail because he tried to steal liquor and was trapped, but he ''safe his life by ruin it ''When he grew up he noticed that a girl was stealing on his candy store some chocolate bars and he tried to stop her so she did not end in the same way as him. This essay will analyse the theme of the story, ''Life as a prison''.
The theme ''Life as a prison'' refers to the life Tommy had to live with Rosa (the woman he did not love but had to live and be married with). For example when it said ''When he came back everybody said it was all arranged again and he, without saying no, was in it'' is talking about that he did not have a chance to choose who to be with, and when we say this we are referring to this theme by saying he was trapped on this life without a way out like in a ''prison''.
This essay will analyse the theme of the story ''Life as a prison'' I think that when we talk about what he did for the little girl, he was trying to make her avoid having the same life as him. In my opinion that is an attitude everyone should have.

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