viernes, 22 de abril de 2016

Jeremy Sumpter

He was born the 5th ferbruary, in 1989, in California. They were four brothers. I saw him for the first time on TV when I was 10 years old. His first love was Reachel Hurd bout now he is in love with Lauren T.Pacheco.
He is 1,88 meters tall, he has green eyes and brown hair but a little bit blonde. He is 26 years old. He is going to be 27 on the 5 of february, this means his birthday was some weeks ago. He actssince he was young.
He is a very funny and interesting person with many hobbies but his favourite are surffing and golf. He spends the time acting and having fun with his friends and other famous people.
Finally he won four important awards:
2000: Won the younger actor award
2000: Won too the model pre teen masculine of the year
2003: Won an important award for a very famous movie
2006: Was nominated to the youngest artist award.
I think he is an exelent actor and my favourite movie of him is Peter Pan that was released on 2003.
Resultado de imagen para jeremy sumpter

jueves, 21 de abril de 2016

Julio Cortazár

Realizamos en grupos presentaciones sobre distintos poetas, en mi caso ''JULIO CORTÁZAR''- Aquí les dejo mi presentación-

The Phoenix

The Phoenix is the story of a mythical bird that was traladated to an aviary and then to a zoo were a man make him feel bad so he feels old and sets on fire but this is going to finish bad for one of them...

lunes, 11 de abril de 2016

Tablero curado...

Curamos contenidos para hacer de un texto más interesante, no por el tema, sino porque seguramente nadie se va a parar a leer un texto de 20 metros por eso lo resumimos curando el contenido pasando un texto de 20 metros a 2cm.

Dejo un ejemplo en el cual curamos contenidos sobre SOLUCIONES.
        Sigue el tablero solutic de Trinirodriguezr en Pinterest.