martes, 7 de junio de 2016

''Why are we moving?''

We created an article about plate tectonic and their different movements.  Here is mine

domingo, 5 de junio de 2016

Persona o Cangrejo?

Según los orientales  el parecido entro los cangrejos Heike y los guerreros  Samurai era que un día las almas de los guerreros caídos de los guerreros Samurai se transformaban camuflándose en estos en estos cangrejos formando un imperio bajo el mar, por eso el caparazón de los cangrejos parecieran tener la cara de los guerreros. Por esa razón los pescadores cada vez que atrapaban a estos cangrejos los devolvían al mar para honrar a estos guerreros.Pero lo que en realidad sucedía era que debido a una mutación en el ADN un cangrejo salió con ese caparazón parecido a la cara de esos guerreros. Esta leyenda se creó en base
a eso y los cangrejos con este caparazón lograron  crecer en cantidad gracias a la leyenda por lo que los pescadores no los comía, los tiraban al mar y se reproducían y sus hijos nacían con este caparazón. Este proceso es llamado ''selección artificial''. Por ejemplo, los peces dorados, perros y hasta los pájaros tienen selección artificial.

Cuanto Hay?

Calculamos en un vaso de 250 cm3  cuanto porcentaje de alcohol hay en algunas bebidas alcohólicas. Luego en parejas hicimos un gráfico de barras para ver cual tiene más.

jueves, 2 de junio de 2016

The Prision

March 13th

Dear diary, if you were a person, I would talk to you right now.
I need to know what to do. Today in the morning I was at the candy store and I saw a girl there, first I thought she was going to buy tissue papers and then left, but she didn't, she was stealing!. Fist i thought about telling her my story so she would stop doing what she was doing and have a better life than mine, butthen I thought, '' But if I tell her everything about me and the she just loughs and leaves everything like that and continoues doing the same? And if she gets scared and leaves forever?! I enjoy seeing her coming happy
to the store. But I don't know what to do, if she continous like this she can finish in prision, OR WORST! IN A LIFE LIKE MINE! h what can I do? If I tell Rosa she. . . I don't know what she can do to that poor girl, she is just making this so hard to decide, I hope I could decide before something happened to her. And I know why is she doing that, I went throught it and everyone have their reasons. I would think of something. . .

Tommy Castelli

¿Y qué pasa si tomamos drogas?

  • Averiguamos como las drogas pueden afectarnos y donde nos afectan y descubrimos que pueden dañar gravemente nuestro sistema nervioso.
  • El profesor nos mostró con un cerebro de vaca las partes de él que pueden ser dañadas  al ingerir drogas.
  • Luego hicimos un ''thinglink'' con las distintas partes

Earth movements

1rst video: The first video talks about how volcanos are made.

  • The hot rocks moves the plates, 1 plate beggins to lose hits, the other plate enter to the rocks, gas get´s hot and melt the rock and excape. When it´s goes out of the plate the melt rock get cold and form a volcano that have a hole that is conected with the magma but can't exape because when the magma gets hot it makes rock.

  • 2nd video:The second video talks about ''PANGEA''

    • Before the countries  separate they were together forming one only country name ''PANGEA''.Pangea was the only land in all the world. Pangea desapear when the plate tectonics start to move  and tanformed pangea in the countries we know now. That's why a part of Africa match with South America. Think of this Brazil next to Nigeria, Buenos Aires next to Africa, Chile next to New York, California next to Sitney. That would be interesant for me.
    • It was very interesant the video and I learned a lot of it.

