martes, 21 de noviembre de 2017


Here is my timeline about what happened with Manchuria that made China  and Japan appealed to the League of Nations and how the legue solved the problem.

Time to use what we learned

At the drama class at the beginning of the year we first studyed the different types of theatres and their practicioners. For our quarterly we had to create a play based on what we learned. My group choose to use theatre in education as our theatre. 
Theatre in education is used to encourage effective learning in schools, it also have lots of benefits like self confidence, imagination, empathy, collaboration, concntration, communication, relations, emotional outlet, skills and physical fitness. In our play we includes:

-Breaking the fourth wall
-Participation of the audience
-Suitable performance for the audience
-Engaging the young audience 
Group: Florencia S, Santiago, Valentina, Lara and Julian 
 We had to write our own script, here is it...

You should tell someone This takes place in a school where two teenagers Santiago and flopy are walking through the hallways Julian and lara appeared and started bordering them. Lara: Oh! look who is here! The nerd and his girlfriend, stop kissing each other and give me your homework! Santiago: She is not my girlfriend and I won't give you anything! (Julian push santi and flopy helps him get up again and lara push her too) Flopy: What's your problem? Leave us alone! Julián: No we won't because you deserve all this! Santiago: But why? What did we do? Lara: You know (Julian and lara push them and walk away) Flopy: Santi we have to tell someone! This can't go on! Santiago: No we can't! If not... Lara will never like me Flopy: But obviously she doesn't likes you! She borders you! Santiago: Maybe she bothers me because she likes me? Flopy: I don´t think so...let's go to class Flopy: (to the audience) Do you think she likes him? He is so stupid, she obviously doesn’t like him. (They pick up their things from the floor and go class) Julián: This used to be funny but now they defend theirselves Lara: Yes, I know, it's boring but we can't stop doing it otherwise they feel like they won Julián: we can hurt them physically now! Lara:- We can't! Poor boy! Julian: What about the girl? Lara7: oh... yes... the girl too Julián: Let's see what we can do (They run into santi in the hallways and star bordering him. Flopy saw them and went to look for the teacher. When Flopy and the teacher arrived they see Santi on the floor been kicked by Julian and lara) Tiny- What's happening here? You two to my office! Now! (Julian and lara didn't move, they stood right were they where) Tiny-Flopy help your friend get up, I will have a serious talk with this two. (Flopy and santi go back to class and the teacher goes to the office with the other two) At the office: Tiny: I can't believe it! This is unecceptable at my school! I can't believe this was going on and I didn't notice it! Why are you doing this? Julián -It's fun Tiny -do you understand this is serious? This people are suffering because you are "having fun" Lara: i regret what I have done Tiny: and why you are still doing it? You really find it funny? This children are not passing through good moments you are ruining their teenage year Julián: what would be our punishment? Tiny: (To the audience ) I have not decided it yet but it is going to be the best for them to reflex and understand Lara: okay Julián I hate you Tiny: I think I know what the punishment should be.. Lara:What? Tiny: first of all i will call your parent and inform them what is going on Julian: No please! Batty will be so let down and disappointed Tiny: that’s the price, you are also going to be suspended for a week, apologise to Santi and Flopi and for the rest of the year you are going to work with them Lara: But they hate us it is going to be awful for ua Tiny: They can let their differences aside and i am sure they will treat you as equals, unlike you. I am going to take care of the situation now, you can leave. Tiny: (To the audience) Do you believe that what I did was enough to solve the problem?

domingo, 10 de septiembre de 2017

Apagando el fuego: Cierre Fahrenheit 541

Realizamos un proyecto basado en la novela leída llamada "Fahrenheit 541". Este proyecto incluía a la materia TIC de modo que pudimos pasar todo lo realizado a una aplicación que nos permitía la "realidad aumentada". Esta aplicación se llama AURASMA que nos permitía sobre una imagen activadora superponer un vídeo u otra imagen. Este vídeo o imagen solo se podrán observar con un lector de Aurasma. Acá les dejo una pequeña presentación que resume en general lo que fue nuestro proyecto.
Para leer el texto del proyecto hagan click sobre el título de la diapositiva número 7.

jueves, 31 de agosto de 2017

¿Qué tengo dentro de mí? Fémur

Observamos en el laboratorio las diferentes partes y sus funciones del hueso fémur. Divididos en grupos creamos presentaciones basadas en lo aprendido.
Grupo: Azul Ramirez, Lara Pedace, Cecilia Arias Duval y Florencia Sguera.

domingo, 27 de agosto de 2017

lunes, 21 de agosto de 2017

lunes, 14 de agosto de 2017

Games at twilight, Analysis 2

 We read the story games at twilight by Anita Desai. After that we analysed the story and created presentations in groups . My group had the analysis 2, here is it...

martes, 1 de agosto de 2017

Capitán Beatty

Capitán Beatty de Beltran Bravo
En la clase lengua leímos la novela Fahrenheit 451 de Ray Bradbury en base a eso nos separamos en grupos. A cada grupo le toco un personaje de la novela, en nuestro caso fue el Capitán Beatty. Con el teníamos que hacer un poster sobre el. En este pusimos una frase que le anticipa al lector una idea de la opinión de el sobre la política en la novela y un poco de su actitud.  Acá les dejo el mío creado por Beltrán Bravo, Azul Ramirez, Lourdes Del Gener y Ignacio Galup. 

viernes, 7 de julio de 2017

¿Qué tengo dentro de mi?

Estudiamos el sistema nervioso central y periférico y en base a esto realizamos una presentación, expandiendo el  sistema nervioso lo conectamos con las partes del cerebro y como funcionan. Mi presentación la realize con Olivia Paladino y Valentina Crespo...

miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2017

One minute talk

Ate the ELT class we create an audio for each other talking about school for one minute. Here is mine

miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017

Exchange Program

In the ELT class we create a dialoge with a partner about  an exchange program, Here is mine.

lunes, 15 de mayo de 2017

Physical Theatre

In drama we are studying different drama genres, styles and practicioners. Some of them are:
Elizabithan theatre, Epic theatre, Naturalism, Physical and musical theatre and theatre in education. My group delt with physical theatre.

18 Grupos una Tabla

En la clase de Físico Química analizamos todos los grupos de la tabla periódica del 1 al 18...
Creamos una infografía sobre ellos...
Podrán encontrar ejemplos con imagenes en el:

  • Grupo 4 Período 1
  • Grupo 4 Período 10
  • Grupo 4 Período 13
  • Grupo 4 Período 14
  • Grupo 4 Período 15
  • Grupo 4 Período 16
  • Grupo 4 Período 17
  • Grupo 4 Período 18
  • Adolf HItler

    In the class of history we study the important things Hitler did in Germany. We create a mind map of this things, here is mine...

    martes, 9 de mayo de 2017

    Mis, tus y nuestras Imagenes

    Resultado de imagen para imagenes de flores

     CC0 - extraida de 
    En la clase de TIC estamos estudiando sobre los derechos del autor en una imagen, aquí les dejo una para practicar.

    miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2017

    The weimar republic

    In the history class we are sturdying Germany after fisrt world war. We have to create a timeline with all the events that happened from 1918 to 1929. here its mine...

    viernes, 28 de abril de 2017

    The Mistake of Leaving

    FCE Writing Practice Test 1

    In the language class we did FCE Writing Practice. Our first activity was to write a story trying not to use the words because, although and but, so we had to use connectors. We create a chart with this connectors. We also had to use to write the story the following things:
    • Simple Past, Past continuous (1 examples)
    • Past Perect (2 examples)
    • Direct Speech (3 examples)
    • Connectors (4 examples)
    • Good descriptive adjetives (7 examples)
    • N° of words 150-180

    The story must begin with the following sentence then the rest of the story we could invented...
    ''When he found his seat on the plane, Sam recognized the person who he was sitting in the seat next to him''
    The mistake of leaving
    When he found his seat on the plane, Sam recognized the person who was sitting in the seat next to him. It was his new chief, his father.
     When Sam was ten years old his father left as he was in love with another woman. Since the day he left he never saw him again until that moment. Sam looked at him and told him his hold name therefore he recognized him. ''You look alike a person I knew years ago'' the chief said, ''Really? , like who?'' Sam asked. ''It doesn't matter, it's someone I left a long time ago (thing I regret) and he must hate me'' the chief said while he turn his head down, ''How can you be so sure he hates you? You haven't saw him in a long time'' the chief opened his eyes surprislly and asked ''Can I ask you a question?, A really personal question?... what is your mother's name?'', ''Elva Ticano... Why?'', ''You are my son! I'm sorry for leaving you and your mother I  left you two thinking I was in love with another women as she was pretty, intelligent, rich, powerful instead of being kind, selfish and helpful, that I should had appreciate from your mother'
    Sam is the man at the left, in that moment he had just recognized the man seating at his right.

    domingo, 9 de abril de 2017

    Hablemos de Triángulos

    En la materia matemática comenzamos el año estudiando geometría, lo primero que estudiamos dentro de geometría fueron triángulos. En la materia trabajaremos en este trimestre con Tic y por eso utilizamos la aplicación geogebra para realizar las siguientes actividades...

    Dados 2 puntos fijos A y B buscaremos todos los lugares donde puedo ubicar un 3er punto C, de tal forma  que:
    1. ABC sea un triangulo.
    El punto C se podrá encontrar en cualquier lugar del plano menos sobre la recta AB.

          2. ABC sea un triangulo equilatero.

    El punto C se encontrará donde se encuentran las circunferencias con centro en A y centro en B y radio AB.

         3. ABC sea un triangulo rectángulo con angulo recto en:
    • A
    Será un triangulo rectángulo cuando el punto C este sobre la línea recta perpendicular que pase por A, menos sobre A
    • B
    Será un triangulo rectangulo cuando el punto C este sobre la línea recta perpendicular que pase por B, menos sobre B.
    • C
    Los puntos C se encontraran sobre la circunferencia de AB con centro en el punto medio del segmento AB y radio de la mitad del segmento AB, Menos sobre el segmento AB.

          4. ABC sea un triángulo isósceles con:
    • AB=AC
    • AB=BC
    • AC=BC
    AB=AC: El punto C se encontrará en la circunferencia con centro en A y radio AB, no puede estar sobre la recta AB.
    AB=BC: El punto C se encuentra en la circunferencia con centro en B y radio AB, no puede estra sobre la recta AB.
    AC=BC: El punto C se encontrará en la mediatriz mneos sobre el segmento AB.                       

           5. Sabiendo ahora que A y B estan a 7cm de distancia encuentra el lugar de los puntos C para que el área del triángulo ABC sea 14cm.

    El punto C se encontrará sobre la recta que se encuentra a 4 cm de distancia por arriba y por debajo de la base.
       6. Sabiendo que A y B están a 7cm describí el lugar del punto C para que el perímetro del triangulo ABC sea 19cm
    El punto C se encontrará sobre el elipse con focos en A y B con constante de 12cm.