A Tropical Cyclon is a localized, very intense
low-pressure wind system, forming over tropical oceans and with winds of
hurricane force. Depending to where this cyclons are form they will resive
diferent names.If the cyclon is form in the Philipines in the North Pacific it
will be called "Typhoons". If it's form in the Atlantic/ Pacific
eastern ocean it will be called "Hurricane" an if it's located over
the Indian/ South Pacific Ocean they will be called "Cyclones". The
word Hurricane's origin is Taino Hurakán that means "god of the
storm". This are named in an alfabetical order and one female name and
male name.
Hurricanes are form
when warm air rises, causing an area of lower air pressure bellow. Air from
surrounding areas with higher air pressure pushes in to the low pressure area.
Then that "new" air becomes warm and moist and arises, too. As the warm
air continous ro rise, the surrounding air swirls in to take its place. As the
warmes, moist air raises and cools off, the water in the air forms clouds. The
whole system of clouds and wind spins and grows, fed by the ocean's heat and
water evaporating from the surface. For a hurricane tu occure the
weather conditons are that warm, humid wind of tropycal water
(80°F) warm water meets wind from west Africa, causes water to vaporize. Water
vapor rises to atmosphere were it liquifies, this creates deuds(cumulonimbus),
tall colums that makes thunderstorms as the clouds from them creates a spiral
over ocean surface. Rain from thunderstorm falls to the ocean where is reheated
and sent back to atmosphere.
The Hurricane's wind
speed and strengh is messure by scales from 1 to 5. This scale prevent possible
damages.Hurricanes reaching category 3 and higher are considered major
huricanes because of their potential of significan loss of life and damage.
Category 1 and 2 storm are still dangerous, however, and requiere preventative
messures. Depending on the scale of the hurricane thir will be effects and this
effects will be grouped into 2, weather and economic. The weather effects are
storm surge, floods and winds. The impacts on the economic are that anytime
there is a disaster caused by a natural phenomenon there is extensive damage to
property. People's livelihoods are wiped away and may take many years to get
things together again. In many cases, there are fatalities and entire
communities are severaly affected. This effects can be reduce by warmings such
as drills, boards on doors and windows and supplies(food, radios, water).